21. Dividend per share

The dividend entitlement for the share classes is based on the portion of the distributable profit attributable to the relevant division. This is calculated in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB).

A resolution was passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 12 June 2018 to distribute a dividend of € 52,342 thousand to holders of common shares in the reporting year for the 2017 financial year (previous year: € 46,738 thousand). At the time of the distribution, the number of shares entitled to dividends amounted to 72,753,334, of which 70,048,834 are to be attributed to the Port Logistics subgroup (A division) and 2,704,500 to the Real Estate subgroup (S division). This resulted in dividends of € 0.67 per class A share and € 2.00 per class S share. The remaining undistributed profit was carried forward to new account.

In 2019, dividends per share of € 0.80 for the Port Logistics subgroup and € 2.10 for the Real Estate subgroup are due to be paid. Based on the number of dividend-entitled shares as of 31 December 2018, this is equivalent to a distribution amount of € 56,039 thousand for the Port Logistics subgroup and of € 5,679 thousand for the Real Estate subgroup.